
Losing and Maintaining My 25lb Weight-loss

So I may have fallen off the weight loss wagon a bit…. Recently, I took a break from using my nutrition coach who monitored my weight. Since then I have gained back 5 pounds. Many of you are probably like “THATS NOT A LOT”, but to me I feel chubby. I will tell you the…

Apps I Have Actually Made Money On

Nowadays, everyone can use some extra money except maybe a Kardashian. Personally I have tried my fair share of apps that claim to help you make money, but you end up making like 1 cent a month. So I have tried some of these apps out and now know some that you can actually make…

How I Taught My Baby To Walk

Yes, it was me who taught my baby to walk. And it was wayyyy too easy! One day, I was sitting at home watching TikTok and saw this video where someone was like, “How to teach your baby to walk.” Automatically, I was like “NO WAY THIS WORKS”, but uhhh it kind of did.. So…

I Joined ItWorks, Should You Join Too…

Honestly, I’ve been considering writing about this for awhile now. BUT I have joined ItWorks! as a distributor. Am I making a load of money? No, but that’s because I have only been doing it for one month and i honestly haven’t been putting my complete effort into it. BUT I can tell you that…

The Truth About Eyelash Extensions

Eyelash extension.. Do you want them, but can’t decide if they are worth the hassle? Well I am here to give you my opinion on my journey with eyelash extensions. I have been on and off getting my eyelashes done for YEARS now. I have strictly gone to one woman, so I have never had…

How I Lost Over 20 Pounds in Under 3 Months

Every woman gains weight when pregnant, that much is obvious. It’s after that you really notice it though. You were constantly being told, “Oh you are eating for two”, but now you are however many months postpartum just wanting your old clothes to fit again. Coming home from the hospital I was 40 pounds over…

This is ME

Hi! Welcome to my blog. For those of you who don’t know me, I am Savannah. I live in central Florida. I am a mom of 1 beautiful baby and 2 dogs. I am happily married. I love fashion, fitness, and food. I am hoping to use my platform to help give my advice and…

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